
As we come out of Covid we are slowly restarting our meetings with irregular get togethers at climbing gyms.
Come and have a climb at 5:30pm then at 7:30pm we can chat with some climbing buddies and catch up on club news. We want to hear from YOU. Sydney Rockclimbing Club (Rockies) meetings are a great opportunity to socialise, talk about climbing and related issues and meet new potential climbing partners.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month. Meetings cost nothing to attend and are open to members and non-members. Meetings start at 7:30pm and run to about 9:30pm. Many members go for a climb first, so look out for the purple and orange club shirts.
Meeting Venue
The location of meetings are currently organised flexibly and will be communicated via e-mail.
The Rockies run social events for Members to get together and have fun doing things that don’t necessarily involve climbing! Socials are normally organised though the mailing list, so keep a look out for details of upcoming events.
If you have any ideas for socials please email the Social Secretary via the Contact Us page.
Upcoming Socials
No events presently - coming soon