Silvio (climbing) and Liam (belaying) get stuck into an interesting puzzle. [Photo Courtesy J. Mycroft]
I don’t know about anyone else – but I am loving these social climbs! I think they are showing the club members at their best – with the better climbers getting in and helping those of us that might be struggling with some aspects of the sport. I can, of course, only speak for myself on this one, but having other climbers show an interest in helping your progress is a real confidence boost. I was encouraged to get up some climbs I wouldn’t normally push myself to do – and surprised myself in the process.
Last night we headed to St Leonard’s for a couple of hours climbing and then dinner at Gilroys aftewards for some great food and fantastic conversation.
Next social climb is Wednesday April the 19th and we are back at St Peter’s climbing gym from 6pm. Look out for the Sydney Rockies T-shirts and come and join us for the evening. Non members are always welcome!
Thanks to everyone who made it such an enjoyable evening last night. Hope to see you at the next one!
Joanna Social Secretary