We arrived to discover that recent rain left the slab walls seeping and soggy, but decided to explore which routes were climbable. Demetrius, Tom and Nathan attacked the soaking pitch 1 of Nintendo 64 (17) but found that the remaining pitches – including a finish on The Very Easy route (13) were much more reasonable. Geoff, Andrew and Tony tried The Devil’s Tears (17) and a big thanks to Jeff Crass for helping to stick clip the first bolt with the old school method of actually using sticks. A bit of French-free climbing and negotiating the very wet start of pitch 2 and we finally got to the top anchors. Later on, we all went up The Very Easy Route and Gripping Yarn (16) – although with a rope tangle late in the day needed to combine forces and get 4 people up the final section all on the one remaining un-tangled rope.

Article: Geoff Cooper
Photos: Jeff Crass