The Sydney Rockclimbing Club – Rebolting Fund finances the replacement of old bolts on existing climbs and the maintenance of other hardware such as fixed ropes and anchors. The SRC purchases hardware, such as bolts and glue, and distributes them to volunteer rebolters across the state. This hardware is of the highest quality and designed to last 100 years. The SRC Rebolting Fund is the first NSW wide fund for rebolting purposes.

Why rebolt?

Traditionally protection bolts were paid for and installed by the person who did the first ascent of a route. These bolts were placed in a haphazard way, usually on a tight budget and using sometimes dubious techniques that have been superseded by modern technology. Many of these bolts are now well past their used by date and require urgent replacement. Bad bolts include the infamous mild steel bash-in “carrot” bolt, that have been in place for as long as 60 years in some cases. They are often rusting, protruding and of uncertain strength. Poor quality glue and home welded ringbolts are also problematic and need fixing. Worn lower-off anchors are another priority of the fund, with a focus on installing mallions and spinning rings on the busiest routes in the state.
What have we done already?
Over the last few years the SRC has funded the rebolting on some 100 routes across NSW at Dam Cliffs, Shipley, Thompson’s Point, Barrenjoey, Berowra, Bangor, Mt York, Mt Boyce, Celebrity Crag and the Warrumbungles. Work is usually focussed on the most popular climbs in the state, however funds will also be used to unearth old unloved classics. Want to see what the SRC Rebolting Fund has been doing lately? Like Sydney Rockclimbing Club on Facebook!

Please donate!
The Rebolting Fund requires donations from everyday climbers like YOU to continue the work of replacing dangerous bolts across NSW. Costs are considerable, about $10 per bolt, so any amount is appreciated. Donate by sending money to the SRC using the following bank details…
Sydney Rockclimbing Club
BSB: 732-000
Account No: 072673
(make sure to put “rebolting” in the description so the money goes direct to rebolting)
Want to help with the hard work?
There is a dedicated team of volunteer rebolters working across the state. If you want to join the fun, the SRC can help out by supplying training and the rebolting equipment, including commercially manufactured climbing bolts and Hilti500 epoxy glue. Get in contact for more details on how you can help. Equipment and funds are not available for new routes or retro-bolting. SRC updated its Bolting Policy in 2016 to reflect current thinking around rebolting, before applying for funds please have a read here: SRC Bolt Policy
Contact Us
Email to report bad bolts, request equipment or help us with fundraising.
Thanks to our supporters!
We would like to thank Climbing Anchors, Expedition Equipment, Fixe and Mountain Equipment for helping with this project over many years. Their generous donations of equipment and money has been greatly appreciated. Support these companies who have supported us!